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Open Internet

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Looking for information about a different brand in the T-Mobile family? Customers on T-Mobile Branded plans should see T-Mobile Open Internet Page. Customers on Assurance Wireless-branded plans should see their brand’s network disclosure pages for applicable network management practices and expected speeds.

Internet Service

Important Information About Metro by T-Mobile’s Broadband Internet Access Services and Metro by T-Mobile's Open Internet Disclosures

This page provides information about Metro by T-Mobile’s Broadband Internet Access Services. "Broadband Internet Access Services" refers to services that provide the capability to transmit data to and receive data from all or substantially all Internet endpoints. The network practices, performance characteristics, and commercial terms applicable to Metro by T-Mobile’s Broadband Internet Access Services over our 4G and 5G networks are described below. This page does not describe the practices, characteristics, or terms that apply when using roaming partner networks. This page also includes links to other Metro by T-Mobile documents containing further information applicable to our Broadband Internet Access Services.

This information applies to all of Metro by T-Mobile’s services.

For questions or concerns not addressed here, please contact our Customer Care department at, by calling 1-888-8METRO8 or 611 from your device, or by writing to T-Mobile Customer Relations, P.O. Box 37380, Albuquerque, NM 87176-7380.

What terms and conditions apply to Metro by T-Mobile Broadband Internet Access Services?

Broadband Internet Access Services are subject to the Metro by T-Mobile Terms and Conditions at, your rate plan terms, and the information included below.

What data plans and pricing does Metro by T-Mobile offer?

Metro by T-Mobile offers mobile Broadband Internet Access Services for smartphones, basic phones, tablets, mobile hotspot devices, and other wireless devices over our 4G and 5G broadband networks. Your data plan may feature a designated allotment of high-speed data, after which your data speed may be reduced or your data access may be suspended for the remainder of the payment cycle. If your data plan features a designated allotment of high-speed data, certain uses of the network may not count against that allotment.

Your plan includes access to the technologies, features, and services that were available and that you purchased when you first activated your current rate plan. You may have temporary access to new services while they are being tested or made available for purchase. Temporary access to some new technologies, services, or features (e.g. advanced 5G use cases) may provide noticeable network experience benefits, like significantly increased speeds, lower latency, or other performance improvements. Your temporary access may end at any time, but we may begin offering access for purchase.

All current Metro by T-Mobile plans include video optimization features that are always enabled, which, when connected to the cellular network, deliver a DVD quality (up to 2.5 Mbps) video experience with minimal buffering while streaming ("Data Maximizer"). Customers may, for an additional charge, add on an HD video feature providing streaming in HD. Customers may also have legacy plans that enable Data Maximizer to be toggled on or off at any time, so that when Data Maximizer is enabled, their high-speed data last longer. Some qualifying video providers may choose to self-optimize their video content or opt-out of the Data Maximizer program. The Data Maximizer optimization technology is not applied to the video services of these providers and high-speed data consumption will continue as if Data Maximizer were not enabled. None have done so as of this date. Additional information, including technical criteria for Data Maximizer program participation, is found here.

For more information about our current data plans for our services, including prices, terms, and conditions, high-speed data allotments and other features, please see plans

What speeds and performance can Metro by T-Mobile-branded Broadband Internet Access Services customers expect? Where are these speeds available?

Many factors affect the speed and performance that customers experience, including the programs or services running on the device, proximity to a cell site, the capacity of the cell site, weather, the surrounding terrain, use inside a building or moving vehicle, radio frequency interference, how many other customers are attempting to use the same spectrum resources, any high-speed data allotment, the rate plans or features you select, and uses that affect your network prioritization, such as whether you are using Smartphone Mobile HotSpot (tethering) or if you are a Heavy Data User. For most Metro by T-Mobile-branded rate plans, a "Heavy Data User" is defined as a customer using more than 35GB of data (100GB of data on currently offered Mobile internet plans offered with 30GB or more data per month) in a payment cycle. Metro Home Internet customers using more than 1.2TB of data in a billing cycle are also considered Heavy Data Users. The threshold number is periodically evaluated across our rate plans and brands to manage network traffic and deliver a good experience to all customers while offering a range of customer choice points.


Additionally, all current Metro by T-Mobile data plans include the Data Maximizer feature, which uses video streaming optimization when connected to the cellular network to deliver a DVD-quality (up to 2.5 Mbps) video experience with minimal buffering while streaming that is always enabled, with the option to add a feature at an additional charge to enable HD video streaming. Customers may also have legacy plans that enable Data Maximizer to be toggled on or off at any time, so that when Data Maximizer is enabled, their high-speed data last longer. Some qualifying video providers may choose to opt out of the Data Maximizer program, but none have done so as of this date. The Data Maximizer optimization technology is not applied to the video services of these providers; and high speed data consumption will continue as if Data Maximizer were not enabled. Metro by T-Mobile optimizes data streams that are identified by our packet-core network as video; video providers may also choose to establish protocols to self-optimize their video.


Also, as discussed below, as a feature differentiating Metro by T-Mobile-branded service and plans from T-Mobile branded services, data of customers who choose T-Mobile branded service plans other than T-Mobile Essentials has precedence over data of customers who choose non T-Mobile-branded service plans, such as Metro by T-Mobile, when the network is presented with competing demands. Currently offered mobile internet plans with 30GB or more data per month are prioritized next. The vast majority of customers on T-Mobile-branded, Metro by T-Mobile-branded, and Assurance Wireless-branded plans receive higher priority than Mobile Wireless customers who are Heavy Data Users on their rate plan – who are prioritized with our Metro Home Internet customers after exceeding the relevant threshold for the current billing cycle. In general, Metro Home Internet customers receive the same network prioritization as Mobile Wireless Heavy Data Users. Metro Home Internet customers who exceed 1.2TB of data usage for the current billing cycle are Home Internet Heavy Data Users who will be prioritized last on the network. The term “Heavy Data User” does not apply to a small number of T-Mobile branded Mobile Wireless plans, so users on those plans would continue to be prioritized higher regardless of data usage. As 5G network slicing technology continues to develop, T-Mobile can provide additional data prioritization options for customers to choose from that may result in improved performance like faster speeds and lower latency.


Customer devices also have varying speed capabilities and may connect to different networks depending on technology. Even within coverage areas and with broadband-capable devices, network changes, traffic volume, outages, technical limitations, signal strength, obstructions, weather, and other conditions may impact speeds and service availability.


Additionally, Metro by T-Mobile offers other services to its customers that use the same network infrastructure and resources as its broadband internet access services and are given priority over other traffic on the network. These other services currently include calling-related services: Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP), Voice over LTE (VoLTE), and Video over LTE (ViLTE), and data priority services with 5G network slicing and for Wireless Priority Service. More services may be added, such as to serve other public safety needs or organizations designated by the Department of Homeland Security for critical infrastructure. These services may affect the availability of network resources for broadband internet access services, which may be noticeable in times of congestion. Similarly, Wireless Priority Service traffic may preempt other traffic during times of extreme congestion, which means that in rare cases we may interrupt an active data or voice session to support public safety needs.


For performance information relating to specific geographic areas, see our coverage map or click here.


Speed and Latency


The term "speed" is commonly used as a shorthand way to describe the rate at which a particular broadband Internet access service can transmit data. This rate (or speed) is typically measured in the number of kilobits or megabits transmitted in one second (Kbps or Mbps). Some applications like email or basic web browsing do not require a high-data speed to function very well, while other activities like high-definition video streaming or transferring large data files are better experienced with higher data speeds.


Latency, also known as delay, is the amount of time from when a data packet is sent to when it is received. For Broadband Internet Access Services, latency is usually expressed as the round-trip time in milliseconds ("ms") that it takes for a data packet to travel between two end points on the Internet (from point A to point B and then back to point A). Some applications, such as email, can tolerate a substantial amount of latency without any noticeable impact on the application's performance, while other applications, such as real-time video conferencing, require lower latency to function properly.

Based on analysis and projections from third-party, crowd-sourced data and subject to the factors described above and below, Metro by T-Mobile expects customers with broadband-capable devices and qualifying service will experience the following speeds and latency on our network. These ranges are projections based on roughly the 25th and 75th percentiles of network tests.

Mobile Wireless & Temporary Fixed Wireless

5G Network (On Device):

  • Download speeds: Typically, between 79-357 Mbps.
  • Upload speeds: Typically between 6-30 Mbps.
  • Latency: Typically between 17-32 ms

5G Network (Via Smartphone Mobile HotSpot/Tethering, for Plans Including 5G Tethering and for on-devices data for our currently-offered Mobile Internet plans with 30GB or more per month and temporary fixed wireless including Internet Lite):

  • Download speed: Typically between 74 – 327 Mbps
  • Upload speed: Typically between 6 – 30 Mbps
  • Latency: Typically between 17 – 32 ms

4G LTE Network (On Device):

  • Download speeds: Typically between 13-61 Mbps.
  • Upload speeds: Typically between 2-11 Mbps.
  • Latency: Typically between 26-46 ms

4G LTE Network (Via Smartphone Mobile HotSpot/Tethering for Plans Including 4G LTE Tethering and for on-demand data for our currently-offered Mobile Internet plans with 30GB or more per month, and temporary fixed wireless including Internet Lite):

  • Download speeds: Typically between 13-57 Mbps.
  • Upload speeds:  Typically between 2-12 Mbps.
  • Latency: Typically between 26-46 ms

Performance for our temporary fixed wireless offerings (e.g. Internet Lite) reflects our nationwide network given the moveable nature of those services; download and upload speeds may be lower in the initial locations where these products are activated.

Wireless Internet

Home Internet

5G Network

  • Download speeds: Typically between 87 – 318 Mbps
  • Upload speeds: Typically between 14 - 56 Mbps
  • Latency: Typically between 18 – 36 ms

4G LTE Network

  • Download speeds: Typically between 17 - 78 Mbps
  • Upload speeds: Typically between 3 - 16 Mbps
  • Latency: Typically between 20 - 37 ms

These ranges represent network performance nationally and may differ from future network conditions or from what you purchased as part of your current rate plan when you first activated it. As T-Mobile's 5G network expands and becomes the primary network for new devices, reported speeds on the 4G network will increasingly represent customers on the edge of the 4G network with a weaker signal and lower speeds despite the possibility of faster 4G speeds in better coverage areas. As described above, your experience may also differ based on, e.g., your choice of rate plan and device. You may occasionally experience speeds, latency, or other network capabilities outside the ranges available as part of your service.


Metro by T-Mobile constantly works to improve performance on its network and to pursue advanced and next-generation technologies and services. For example, Metro by T-Mobile is in the process of deploying its 5G network, including layering millimeter wave, mid-band, and low-band spectrum over the LTE network, and rolling out and low-band 5G. Currently Metro by T-Mobile’s 5G millimeter wave network is available in select areas. The low-band 5G network is available nationwide, although coverage may not be available in some areas. Devices operating on Metro by T-Mobile’s nationwide 5G network currently use multi-band dual connectivity; customers with 5G-compatible devices will receive service via both Metro by T-Mobile’s 4G LTE network (including during VoLTE calls) and its 5G network to support their connectivity.


To access a given network technology (e.g., low-band 5G), you must have a compatible device and be within the coverage area for that service (e.g., a low-band 5G device in a low-band 5G coverage area). Learn more about device capabilities by reviewing your user manual or find information about devices here ( Additionally, a 5G-compatible SIM card may be required to access the Metro by T-Mobile 5G network. As noted above, devices operating on Metro by T-Mobile's nationwide 5G network may, in some areas, use both 4G and 5G signals and dynamically route traffic between the signals to support your connectivity. The network architecture providing dual connectivity could result in instances where your device indicates a 5G connection, even though you are temporarily utilizing only 4G. As 5G technology develops, devices will be able to experience direct and continuous 5G in more places.


In recent years, Metro by T-Mobile has aggressively built out its high-speed data network so nearly all customers have regular access to high speeds. As part of our commitment to delivering the best possible network experience, Metro by T-Mobile is transitioning away from older network technologies, like 2G and 3G to allow us to allocate resources to enhance and expand our 5G network. Metro by T-Mobile may limit activations or use of devices on older technologies as we prepare to transition our network to newer technologies; see a sales representative for the latest options.


Your speed range will also depend on the high-speed data allotments associated with the data plan you have selected. See Plans for more details.

Some plans may include maximum speeds for some services. Metro by T-Mobile plans includes a set amount of high-speed tethering, after which tethering is slowed for the rest of the service cycle; unlimited high-speed data is only for use on your smartphone. Customers may choose to activate an add-on feature for a set amount of high-speed tethering data.


For coverage information relating to specific geographic areas, see our coverage map.


How does Metro by T-Mobile manage the flow of data on its network?

We engineer our network to provide consistent high-speed data service, but at times and at locations where the number of customers using the network exceeds available network resources, customers will experience reduced data speeds. To provide the best possible experience for the most possible customers on Metro by T-Mobile-branded plans, we implement network management practices on a content-agnostic basis, such as caching less data, prioritizing data usage of non-Heavy Data Users, and video optimization. These practices do not discriminate against offerings that might compete against those offered by Metro by T-Mobile or any Metro by T-Mobile affiliate on the basis of such competition. Metro by T-Mobile also addresses the priority needs of emergency communications, law enforcement, public safety, or national security authorities, consistent with or as permitted by applicable law; this may impact other users’ service during times of congestion such as during a natural disaster or other emergency.

For additional information on Metro by T-Mobile’s network practices, see the discussion below in Network management for extremely high data usage and tethering and How does Metro by T-Mobile address network priority for its brands?

Data Maximizer and Video Optimization

Metro by T-Mobile uses streaming video optimization technology. Streaming video optimization improves overall data usage management of the network, resulting in greater network speeds and throughput for other customers using data because less network payload is dedicated to video. For customers on limited high-speed plans, optimization also helps customers stretch their high-speed data while streaming video. For video that is not self-optimized by the video provider, we adjust the delivery rate for streaming video to up to 2.5 Mbps, which causes the video to be delivered in lower resolutions and to use less data.

Video optimization occurs only for data streams that are identified by our packet-core network as video or where the video provider has chosen to establish protocols to self-optimize its video. Some videos, like those consumed via VPN, Apple Private Relay, or while tethering, may be difficult to identify as video and therefore cannot be optimized. The streaming video optimization process applies to all content identified as video regardless of the content itself or the website that provides it. While many changes to streaming video files are likely to be indiscernible, the optimization process may impact the appearance of the streaming video as displayed on a user's device. In some instances, video optimization may also identify and treat downloads of video files as if they were real-time video streams. However Metro by T-Mobile offers content providers a way to opt-in to a protocol to help identify video downloads to ensure they are not treated as streaming video.

Specifically, all current Metro by T-Mobile plans include the Data Maximizer feature. Data Maximizer uses video streaming optimization when connected to the cellular network to deliver a DVD-quality (2.5 Mbps) video experience instead of a higher resolution version (e.g., HD), which is better suited for larger screens. Customers may, for an additional charge, add on an HD video feature, enabling streaming in HD. Data Maximizer does not apply to services of providers who have chosen to opt out (none have opted out of Data Maximizer at this time). When watching video from these providers, high speed data consumption will continue as if Data Maximizer were not enabled. The Data Maximizer setting is not applied when a device is using Wi-Fi to connect to a non-T-Mobile network.

Network Management for Extremely High Data Usage and Tethering

Some of our plan options feature a customer-chosen high-speed data allotment with reduced speeds on our network after the high-speed allotment is exhausted, so customers can choose the combination of high-speed data and price that is right for their needs. Unlimited high-speed data customers do not have a specific high-speed data allotment on their device, however, and customers on some limited high-speed plans may have extremely high data usage under certain circumstances, including if their plan enables access to significant amounts of data that does not count against their high-speed data allotment. While T-Mobile continues to expand its network capacity, at this time, some network management for these scenarios is required, because very heavy data usage by even a few customers at times and places of competing network demands can affect the network performance for other customers.

To provide the best possible experience for the most possible customers on their Metro by T-Mobile-branded plans, and to minimize capacity issues and degradation in network performance, we manage significant high-speed data usage through prioritization. Mobile Wireless Heavy Data Users (as defined by a customer’s rate plan; on most Metro by T-Mobile plans, customers who use more than 35GB of data in a month) will have their data usage prioritized below the data usage (including tethering) of other customers at times and at locations where there are competing customer demands for network resources, which may result in slower data speeds. In general, Metro Home Internet customers receive the same network prioritization as Mobile Wireless Heavy Data Users. Metro Home Internet customers who exceed 1.2TB of data usage for the current billing cycle are Home Internet Heavy Data Users who will be prioritized last on the network. For plans where Home Internet equipment is intended to be stationary and is only available in limited areas, these customers should be less likely to notice congestion in general. At the start of the next payment cycle, the customer's usage status is reset, and this data traffic is no longer prioritized below other traffic. Customers who use data in violation of their Rate Plan terms or Metro by T-Mobile’s Terms and Conditions may be excluded from this calculation. Data features that may not count against the high-speed data allotment for some plans, such as data associated with Music Unlimited, counts towards customers’ usage for this calculation. Smartphone Mobile HotSpot (tethering) data is also included in this calculation. Data used for customer service sites/applications such as MyAccount or the MyMetro app do not count towards customers' usage for this calculation when detected by our network. To help avoid application of this practice, and reduce mobile data consumption, customers can set automatic updating of apps, podcasts and file downloads to run off Wi-Fi (making sure to connect to Wi-Fi to update applications and system periodically).


Similarly, while we permit tethering pursuant to the terms, conditions and allotments of your data plan, significant Smartphone Mobile HotSpot (tethering) usage can affect on-device network performance for all customers. To ensure the best possible on-device experience, and to minimize capacity issues and degradation in network performance, we prioritize on-device data (except that of our currently-offered mobile internet plans 30GB or higher and Mobile Wireless Heavy Data Users, as described above) over tethering data at times and at locations where there are competing customer demands for network resources, which may result in slower tethering speeds.


Where the network is lightly loaded in relation to available capacity, a customer whose data is prioritized higher than other traffic will notice little, if any, effect from having higher priority. This will be the case in the vast majority of times and locations. Customers may notice reduced speeds in comparison to customers with a higher priority during network congestion. At times and at locations where the network is heavily loaded in relation to available capacity, these customers will likely see significant reductions in data speeds, especially if they are engaged in data-intensive activities. Customers should be aware that these practices may occasionally result in speeds below those typically experienced on our 5G or LTE networks, including a greater likelihood of reduced speeds in the lower end of the speed ranges. Depending on the extent of network congestion, these customers may notice more frequent impacts to some video streaming, file downloads, and other high-bandwidth activities. Metro by T-Mobile constantly works to improve network performance and capacity, but there are physical and technical limits on how much capacity is available, and in constrained locations the frequency of heavy loading in relation to available capacity may be greater than in other locations. When network loading goes down or the customer moves to a location that is less heavily loaded in relation to available capacity, the customer’s speeds will likely improve.

If you would like to check your data plan usage, you can view the Data Usage Meter from MyAccount on

Choice of High-Speed Data

To deliver a range of customer choices, Metro by T-Mobile continues to offer some rate plans where customers may select a limited amount of high-speed on-device data instead of unlimited. On these plans, if your total high-speed data usage exceeds your selected high-speed allotment during a billing cycle, we reduce your data speed to 2G speeds (typically to 64 kbps or 128 kbps) for the remainder of that billing cycle. Some Metro by T-Mobile Unlimited high-speed smartphone data plans include a data allotment for Smartphone Mobile Hotspot (tethering), after that allotment is used, tethering is slowed for the rest of the service cycle; unlimited high-speed data is only for use on your smartphone. Depending on the capability of your device, tethering your device to other lawful devices is permitted up to 10 devices, pursuant to the terms, conditions and allotments of your data plan. Some video consumed while tethering may be difficult to identify as video and therefore cannot be optimized. Certain features, such as Music Unlimited content on qualifying rate plans, data used by certain Metro by T-Mobile customer service sites/applications (including diagnostics) such as the MyMetro App, and the federal telehealth VA Video Connect app, do not count against high-speed data allotments when detected by our network.

Metro by T-Mobile Fair Usage Commitment

The Metro by T-Mobile Fair Usage commitment is how we ensure that the highest number of customers have the best possible experience for the most common uses on our network. To ensure that smartphones and tablets have fair access to the network, we will monitor mobile hotspot/tethering usage on a regular basis to ensure that mobile hotspot usage is both reasonable and fair. Metro by T-Mobile mobile service is designed to be used primarily on smartphones and tablets. Metro by T-Mobile mobile hotspot (tethering) features are intended for personal mobile connectivity, not intended to be a complete broadband replacement for multiple users over an extended period of time. If you are a Mobile Wireless Heavy Data User and use a device as a mobile hotspot for the majority of your use over an extended period of time, we may contact you to discuss your plan and your options.

Other Network Management

If you use your Data Plan in a manner that could interfere with other customers' service, affect our ability to allocate network capacity among customers, or degrade service quality for other customers, we may suspend, terminate, or restrict your data session, or switch you to a more appropriate Data Plan, or terminate your service.


Finally, certain uses of our network are also prohibited as described in our Terms and Conditions under the heading “What are the Permitted and Prohibited Uses for My Device and the Services?” For example, applications which automatically consume unreasonable amounts of available network capacity or are designed for unattended use are prohibited as they may interfere with our ability to provide a good service experience for the majority of our customers, cause capacity issues, and/or degrade network performance. See our Terms and Conditions for a list of prohibited uses.


How can I see my plan's Broadband Label?

Metro by T-Mobile provides Broadband Labels for plans that we currently offer to new consumer and small business customers with data access to all, or substantially all, of the internet. The labels contain information like price, fees, and data speeds to help you make an informed decision on what wireless services best fit your needs. You can find these labels where you shop for your plans, including on our plans page, on the phone, or at a retail store.


Broadband plan label data is available to export for active plans. Download


How does Metro by T-Mobile address network priority for its brands?

To differentiate services we sell under the Metro by T-Mobile brand name from services we sell under other brand names, we give data of customers who choose T-Mobile-branded services, except T-Mobile Essentials, precedence over data of customers who choose non-T-Mobile-branded services (including Metro by T-Mobile) when our network is presented with competing demands.

Where the network is lightly loaded, a customer on those brands will notice little, if any, effect from having lower priority. This will be the case in the vast majority of times and locations. At times and at locations where the network is heavily loaded in relation to available capacity, however, those customers will likely see reductions in data speeds, especially if they are engaged in data-intensive activities. Depending on the extent of network congestion, these customers may notice more frequent impacts to some video streaming, file downloads, and other high-bandwidth activities. Metro by T-Mobile constantly works to improve network performance and capacity, but there are physical and technical limits on how much capacity is available, and at constrained locations, the frequency of heavy loading in relation to available capacity may be greater than at other locations. When network loading goes down or those customers move to a location that is less heavily loaded in relation to available capacity, those customers’ speeds will likely improve.

Does data traffic from Metro by T-Mobile products preloaded on a user’s device or otherwise available from Metro by T-Mobile have precedence over data traffic from other applications?

No. They are treated just like any other data application on the network, and traffic from these applications is subject to the same reasonable network management practices as other data on the network.

What security measures does Metro by T-Mobile use to protect its Broadband Internet Access Services?

We use a variety of physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect our network from events that may negatively impact our customers' ability to use our Broadband Internet Access Services. We monitor our network to protect against security threats, including spam, viruses, automated attacks, worms, distributed denial of service attacks, and other potentially malicious activity. When we detect a threat, we may attempt to prevent it from spreading across our network using a variety of security measures, which may include, among other things, requiring device software updates and rerouting, prohibiting, or limiting some traffic over our network, typically until the threat is resolved.

Unless part of an opted-in customer service, Metro by T-Mobile does not block lawful traffic based on content or subject. Occasionally, cases arise where Metro by T-Mobile must make a judgment, determining that the value of protecting our customer base from malicious or other adverse, network-impacting traffic outweighs access issues experienced by a few. Examples include Internet sources or destinations that are major sources of spam and sources that aggressively scan Internet addresses or those that have attempted attacks against Metro by T-Mobile infrastructure or customer end-points.

Metro by T-Mobile blocks a limited number of Internet addresses that are disruptive or malicious and typically persistent, based on our review of third party industry-wide intelligence. Metro by T-Mobile does not block sites based on content or subject, unless the Internet address hosts unlawful content or is blocked as part of an opted-in customer service.

For our Wi-Fi services, which are accessible in a wide range of commercial establishments and public venues, Metro by T-Mobile prevents the use of certain ports that are commonly used to spread malware and engage in other malicious activity.

Does Metro by T-Mobile allow customers to use non-Metro by T-Mobile devices and applications for its Broadband Internet Access Services?

Metro by T-Mobile customers may use any compatible device, such as a tablet or smartphone, to access our Broadband Internet Access Services, as long as they do not cause harm to our network. T-Mobile may limit activations of compatible devices More information on GSM is available from the GSM Association at If you did not purchase your device from Metro by T-Mobile, please be aware that Metro by T-Mobile has not made any determination as to the call quality, performance, or other functionality provided by the device.

Our customers may use our Broadband Internet Access Services to access any lawful application, including real-time applications, in a manner consistent with our Terms and Conditions, Metro by T-Mobile reserves the right to take whatever measures are necessary to protect our network from potentially harmful devices and applications. The performance of a real-time application on our network depends on the speed and latency of the subscriber’s connection, as well as their chosen data plan (see above for details). Additional details on device compatibility can be found here.

How can customers manage their experience on the Broadband Internet Access Services provided by Metro by T-Mobile?

You may block use of certain Internet sites or the Internet generally on individual lines, e.g., for privacy or child safety reasons. Additional information on Web Guard is available at Applications or services that would interfere with T-Mobile’s delivery of a customer-chosen plan or feature, e.g., content filtering, may be unavailable while the customer continues to choose that plan or feature.

How does Metro by T-Mobile protect the privacy of customers using its mobile Broadband Internet Access Services?

Metro by T-Mobile is committed to protecting the privacy and security of our customers’ personal information. For information on how Metro by T-Mobile protects its customers’ privacy, please review our Privacy Notice at

Customers with questions or concerns about Metro by T-Mobile Broadband Internet Access Services, including questions or concerns about the network practices, performance characteristics, and commercial terms applicable to Metro by T-Mobile’s Broadband Internet Access Services should contact our Customer Care department at, by calling 1-888-8METRO8 or 611 from your device, or by writing to T-Mobile Customer Relations, P.O. Box 37380, Albuquerque, NM 87176-7380. For information on resolving disputes with Metro by T-Mobile, please review our Terms and Conditions under the heading “Dispute Resolution and Arbitration.” Complaints or questions by end-users or edge providers regarding the approval of devices should be mailed to the relevant address above.


February 10, 2025