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CallerTunes powered by LISTEN Terms & Conditions

The CallerTunes subscription (“CallerTunes Service”) is a service governed by the Metro by T-Mobile Terms and Conditions of Service ("Agreement") and as such, incorporates all provisions of the Agreement including, but not limited to and without limitation, the following provisions : Scope of Service, Charges, Your Use of the Service, Billing and Payment, Termination, Disclaimer of Warranty, Limitation of Liability, and Arbitration; Dispute Resolution.

By using the CallerTunes Service, you acknowledge and agree that you have read the terms of the Agreement and these CallerTunes Terms of Use and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of use therein. CallerTunes are licensed by you for a fee for a specific period of time and only for use on the Wireless Device to which they are is initially downloaded. The credits given for the CallerTunes Service will not roll over to the next calendar month and will renew on the first of each month. For each CallerTunes that is licensed beyond the included monthly credits, there will be an additional charge. Taxes may be assessed on your purchases. Based on the CallerTunes you license, the price and expiration may vary. You are responsible for all purchases made on your Wireless Device. Refunds will not be provided after expiration, suspension or cancellation. Metro by T-Mobile may communicate with you electronically, including, but not limited to text messages, about the CallerTunes Service. The content on the CallerTunes Service contains the intellectual property of third parties. The license you receive is a limited, nonexclusive, nontransferable license to use the Content and Apps for personal use until they expire, subject to any restrictions provided with the product purchased and in the Agreement. You will not sell, transfer, copy or otherwise reproduce, modify or revise the content. The content is protected by law (including copyright law) and is solely for the end user's personal, non-commercial use. End User agrees to comply with all applicable laws (including copyright law), and may only make such copies as are reasonably necessary for such End User's personal and non-commercial use. Any other redistribution, reproduction, transmission, communication, sale, use, broadcast, public performance, rental or lending, adaptation, sub-license or other use of the content without the prior written consent of the copyright owner is prohibited. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by the applicable content owner.