Join today—call 888-258-1974 or shop online and get free shipping and no activation fees. No ID needed.


Invite your friends.

Earn up to $125.

$125 in extra cash could be yours for getting your friends to bring their number and sign up with Metro. You'll earn $25 per referral, up to $125 per year, and your friends will earn $25, too. Plus, they'll get all the same cool perks you have.

Two people sitting in a park, looking at a smartphone.

Start sharing the savings.



Get paid

Tell your friends what they'll
love about Metro.

Here's some of the goodies Metro offers that should convince your friends to join—so you can earn that money.

Two people gathered around a laptop


Tell your friends how great no contracts and no credit checks can be.

One person holding a smartphone and celebrating


Your friends get more bang for their buck with great deals on Metro plans and 5G phones.

One person talking on a smartphone


For all the yadas we take out, we pack Metro plans with perks and benefits.

Got questions?

  • It’s a referral program that lets Metro customers earn up to $125 per year when your friends join Metro. Earn a $25 Mastercard when you refer a friend to Metro and they bring their number.

  • First, set up your referral account—it only takes a few minutes. Next, send the unique URL you receive to your friends who are not currently customers with Metro or T-Mobile. They will need to register with their name, email, and the phone number they want to bring to Metro. They can go into a Metro store or join online with that phone number. 35 days later, you both get a $25 reward.

  • The $25 reward is paid out via virtual prepaid Mastercard that is accepted internationally.

  • Your friend receives $25 for joining Metro and bringing their phone number with them. 

  • Earn up to $125 in referral rewards per year. That’s 5 friends.

  • As soon as you register with your name, Metro number, and email address, you’ll receive a welcome email with a link to your status page. On your status page, you can track your referrals. 

  • No, your friend must have accepted your referral and registered prior to opening a new account with Metro.